torstai 6. tammikuuta 2011

Harmaa päivä / A grey day

Tänään oli pilvinen päivä, taivas ja maa samanväriset. Pakkanen oli lauhtunut, sitä oli enää kuusi astetta.
Today was a cloudy day. The sky and the earth had the same colour. It was not as cold as yesterday, only -6 degrees Celcius.

Lunta, lunta, lunta...
Snow, snow, snow...

Lumi on tehnyt monista lehtipuiden oksistoista aivan ihanan pitsimäisiä.
The snow has turned many trees into beautiful lace. These trees dropped their leaves in the autumn, and will be green again next summer. Just wait, and I'll show you!

Vielä tänään oli puissa runsaasti lunta, mutta koska illalla alkoi tuulla aika kovaa, voi olla että lumet ovat aamulla pudonneet oksilta.
Today there was still very much snow in the trees, but as the wind started to blow quite hard in the evening, it may be that tomorrow the snow has fallen from the branches.

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